Knowing is Half the Prattle.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Pictures From the Archive

Just found this picture of me when I was about 6 years old. You never know what photos of you are floating around the internet. This is a summer camp up in Bear Mountain State Park. Not a camper there, I was just visiting for the day. I really can't tell you what we were doing but this is the dining room, so we're probably there for the free eats.

Update: Some IM commentary from a friend and his friend.

Cxxxxxx: it really looks like a 70's cop tv show
Cxxxxxx: badass black dude (in the back of course)
Soooooo: I thought a 70s rock band album pic
Cxxxxxx: hippy guy just in front
Cxxxxxx: then the striaght-laced cop
Soooooo: heh
Soooooo: That's funny too
Cxxxxxx: then the main character who is a loose cannon with his headband and dark sunglasses
Cxxxxxx: all protecting "The Kid"
Cxxxxxx: "The Kid" obviously has Attitude.
Soooooo: But meanwhile The Kids kicks all the bad guys' asses himself
Soooooo: Kid rather
Cxxxxxx: definitely and when he finishes the other guys will say their signature lines
Cxxxxxx: the hippy of course says "Far Out Kid"
Cxxxxxx: the Token says "Groovy"
Soooooo: Or "You deserve some sweeeeeeeeet black sugah, kid"
Cxxxxxx: oh perfect
Cxxxxxx: "We gotta get you a Fly Woman after that!"
Cxxxxxx: the Loose Cannon says "That's just what I would have done"
Cxxxxxx: and the Straight-Laced Square says "Good Job Kid"
Soooooo: This is so excellent
Soooooo: We need lookalikes for a real show now
Soooooo: That '70s Cop Show

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was there in the dining room when this photo was taken. I was a bit older than you, but, way younger than the staff members in the photo.

Chances are, your dad was being introduced as the guy who built the Gypsy wagons. We always liked commemorating that!